
一次不小心聽到Léon的歌:Think About You(在上一篇),我就立馬愛上了她的嗓音,但是關注她的人數,與她應該被好好關注的人數,實在差太多了,所以我來不專業地介紹一下。



原名:Lotta Lindgren,應該是瑞典文。









Léon來自音樂家庭,她的母親為大提琴家,父親為作曲家和指揮家。在青少年時,Léon就開始她的音樂生涯,是嘻哈與靈魂音樂團體的其中一員。而在2015年,與Agrin Rahmani合作,開始了獨奏的生涯。她以Amy Winehouse(艾美懷恩豪斯)、Janis Joplin(珍妮賈普林)、Etta James(伊特珍)、Sam Cooke(山姆庫克─靈魂樂之王)、Stevie Wonder(史提夫汪達)為她的音樂榜樣。→都是有名的歌手,所以就不一一贅述。


她的第一首單曲Tired of Talking、第一張EP(Treasure)受到了Chris Anokute和Katy Perry的支持。


在2016年10月,Léon確定會在荷蘭格羅寧根市的第31屆Eurosonic Noorderslag(音樂節)演出。017年2月,Léon在波士頓正式開始了第一次北美巡演。 她的第二張EP,For You,於2017年3月3日發行。









Léon談論她為何創作Tired of Talking:「我發覺我很難跟人們打成一片,而同時,我也不知道如何讓人們聽到我的音樂。」但受到Agrin Rahmani的鼓勵,她便鼓起勇氣在網路上放上Tired of Talking這首歌,三天後,她受到非常多人的關注。這是她從沒想過的。


而特別是Chris Anokute(他曾經幫助過Katy Perry的音樂事業),他說Léon的音樂是非常具體有形象的,而她的歌詞是很迷人,觸動心弦的。並說她在這個商業化的音樂空間中,是一股清流。


重要的是,Léon可說是跟上現代年輕女歌手的趨勢,例如Alessia Cara,她們將吹捧酒精的人、夜店的舞伴、八卦置之不理,與主流的商業音樂提供了不同的另一面世界。



高中畢業後,她進入瑞典北部的一個節目,那個節目專門訓練生產者和作曲家 - 現在是該國最著名的歌唱節目。已經有人可以進入美國40強,並不須接受懲罰。最成功的Max  Martin馬克思馬丁,已經寫了22首歌曲,旁行已超越了許多人。


幸運的是,Léon的老師讓她與Agrin Rahmani合作。雖然這兩個人在同一班,卻沒有很熟。Léon解釋說:「我們來自不同的音樂背景。我們沒有在同一個朋友群中。他是獨立樂隊的歌手,所以他非常獨立(在這指音樂風格),比我更流行。」。






Anokute覺得Léon低沉的歌聲有魔力,使人懷念起1970年代那些搖滾女歌手,像是Stevie Nicks, Janis Joplin和Joni Mitchell,所以以Tired of Talking能引起如此廣大的迴響。反而是Léon依然不確定為何她的單曲能吸引到那麼多人知道,她認為這是個很難的問題。並說若在決定發行前,想著也許人們會喜歡這首歌,因此就給了自己極大的信心,那麼這首歌就會是封閉的。










GLAMOUR: How does it feel to look into the audience when people know every lyric to your songs?


LÉON: To me, that's new. It's just insane. I never thought that would happen, and I've always been curious of how it feels to have people singing your lyrics. It's surreal and amazing, and it's great to watch people get into it. Even songs I played for the first time—they're still catching onto the chorus. It's huge to me. Yesterday, I was really tired and was like, “I hope I can get my energy up.” As soon as I entered the stage and saw people were excited, I just felt crazy adrenaline just kick in. It sounds corny, but it's really true!


GLAMOUR: You mentioned that the show [at New York City’s Mercury Lounge] was one of your favorite crowds. What differentiated them?

妳提及了在紐約市Mercury Lounge的那場演出,是妳最喜歡的演唱之一。那場演出與其他場有甚麼不一樣的嗎?

LÉON: There were so many people singing the lyrics. Every time I said something, they were so kind to me. I felt like I wasn't being judged; it felt like people just wanted to listen to music and have a good time.


GLAMOUR: So, what's next for you?


LÉON: [I'm going] back to L.A. to finish my album! A few songs, not many—we're almost there. I have some things I still want to say on the album that I haven't said just yet. But after that, we're going to Europe. Paris, London, Berlin. I'm so excited.


GLAMOUR: What do you still want to say? Can you give us a clue?


LÉON: I sing so much about heartbreak and stuff, you know? I think I need to like, tie it back. I'm in a good space right now, so I think I can just round it out maybe. Put a happy tune on it.


GLAMOUR: You said that one of your favorite songs you wrote that had a lot of personal meaning to you was "Why Am I Not Enough?" Tell me where the inspiration for that song came from.

妳曾說過妳最喜歡自己寫的一首歌是 "Why Am I Not Enough?" (為什麼我不夠好),這首歌具有很多的私人情感。妳可否告訴我那首歌的靈感來自哪裡?

LÉON: I go back a lot to what I've been through. Every song is basically where I've been. Sometimes, I take something from what a best friend has told me, and I'm like "I recognize that; I feel you." So I rein that in, but usually every song is from something I've experienced. It's personal stuff, classic stuff.


GLAMOUR: You grew up in a family of musicians. Were they always encouraging when you decided to go into music?


LÉON: I always wanted to do music in some kind of way, and my parents would ask "What are you doing?" if I didn't go in a musical direction. My sister was once going through a rough patch, and she was like "I'm going to study economics." My mom and dad were like, "Are you sure you want to go that way?" And then she made music again. They’re the same way with me; they are very supportive.


GLAMOUR: So they encouraged you to get into music and to follow their foot steps.


LÉON: Yeah, but in my own way, you know? They are classical musicians, and I am not classical at all. They have been together for almost 45 years now—that's a long time. They met when mom was 17, and my dad was 18. He was her guitar teacher in the '70s. They just fell in love. My dad is a composer, so sometimes he writes stuff, and my mom is in the symphony orchestra, so she's in the orchestra playing his music.


GLAMOUR: What advice did they give you about getting into the business or things to stay away from?


LÉON: My mom always tells me to stay away from drugs. I'm like, "Mom, I'm the worst hypochondriac. I can't even share a spoon with someone." [Also, they tell me] to just have thick skin. My dad has always said, "You're young, just go for it."


GLAMOUR: Speaking of going for it, you released "Tired of Talking" on SoundCloud last July, and it really turned into this mega hit and started your musical progression. What was that like, putting that out there?

談論到這個,妳在去年七月,在SoundCloud上釋出了Tired of Talking。這個非常受大眾喜愛,且妳也開始了妳的音樂職業生涯。放上歌曲在網上的感覺如何?

LÉON: We put it out on Sound Cloud on a Friday. I was having beers in a park with my producer, and we were like "Oh my God, we have 500 plays on SoundCloud. Oh my God." We thought that would be it, and after a week it was like a hundred thousand. After that it just kept going—it was insane, I did not expect it at all. People started writing to me on Instagram and Facebook and commenting on my pictures. It was a bizarre, crazy week.

我們在星期五在Sound Cloud釋出歌曲。我和製作人一起在公園喝杯啤酒,然後覺得:「天啊!在Sound Cloud上,我們有500次的播放次數。」我們以為情況不變,結果一個禮拜後,播放次數竟然變成10萬。在那之後,播放次數也一直向上增長—這真是太瘋狂了,我並沒有料想到這些。人們開始在Instagram和Facebook上寫信給我,也留言在我的照片上。那是一個怪異又瘋狂的星期。

GLAMOUR: Who are the women you're listening to that you're loving?


LÉON: There are so many. I'm so happy that there's a wave of female artists right now. It's amazing. But if I go back, of course I'd say Amy Winehouse. I think in every way, she's the biggest inspiration. She felt like, in control of the music. Not the rest [of her life] maybe, but she just felt so in control of what she put out with her music, her band, the lyrics. I also love Stevie Wonder. And I love Stevie Nicks—she's the best. Her voice is incredible. Currently, I'm listening to Justin Bieber and Rihanna.

有很多呢!我很開心現在有一波屬於女性藝術家的浪潮。這真是太棒了。但是如果依過去的時代來說,我會選擇Amy Winehouse。我覺得,從每一個面向來說,她都是我最大的動力。她感覺好像在控制音樂一樣。也許在她生命尾聲並不是如此,但她的音樂,她的樂隊,她的歌詞,她放出去給這個世界的音樂,都好像控制著音樂的潮流。我也喜歡Stevie Wonder。還有,我也愛Stevie Nicks,她是最棒的。她的聲音真令人難以置信。最近的話,我正在聽Justin Bieber和Rihanna。

GLAMOUR: Bieber! Purpose!


LÉON: It's like he just exploded again, and it's bigger and better. I love the album Purpose. I think that's one of the things I've been listening to the most, actually. I love all of his songs. He feels so emotional about things, you know? It's not just like, a pop chart guy. It feels like he's being honest. And that's really cool. I've found a lot of good music from Girls because that show always spices it up with everything from folk to indie to mainstream pop; I think that's really cool. I've watched True Detective, and I just started getting into that kind of music. The dark blues country—I was like, "This is not really what I listen to, but I like it." I feel like you definitely find great music through film and music, film and TV.

他又再次爆發,成長了更多又更好了。我熱愛意圖這張專輯。我覺得他是我播放過最多張的一張專輯。實際上,我喜歡他所有的歌。你知道嗎?他感覺如此的多愁善感。不單單只是個在排行榜上的男孩,好比他如此真實的面對自己。這真的非常的酷。我在Girls(女孩–美國影集)找到很多好音樂,因為那個影集總可以把所有的事情增添一番趣味,從通俗音樂到獨立搖滾音樂都是,我認為那真的非常有趣。當我開始做音樂時,我在看True Detective(無間警探–美國影集)。那陰鬱又黯淡的鄉下,實在不是我特別會去聽的,但我又超愛的。我覺得能從影片和電視裡找到很棒的音樂,那種感覺很讚。

GLAMOUR: Now for a few speed round questions: Your go-to song to sing in the shower?


LÉON: Oh, that's so hard. I've been singing “Is it too late now to say sorry?” [singing]


GLAMOUR: So you're really hardcore Bieber. Would that be your karaoke song as well?


LÉON: Maybe, definitely.


GLAMOUR: Do you have any guilty pleasures? I mean, I guess we could classify Justin Bieber in that category.


LÉON: I like wine. I like to have a cigarette. I'm just being honest.


GLAMOUR: Aside from music, what are you passionate about?


LÉON: Food. I love dumplings and pizza, pasta. I love everything, except oysters.


GLAMOUR: When you're traveling a lot, is there something that you do to maintain your focus?


LÉON: I do yoga. Yesterday, I did some yoga in my hotel room just to get warm, and I heated up my room to like, 85 degrees.


GLAMOUR: You turned it up and turned it out.


LÉON: And then I drink a lot of tea and chilled. I watch shows before a show, just think about something else.


GLAMOUR: What are your favorite shows?


LÉON: I love New Girl, Girls. I've been watching House of Cards. Bates Motel. I'm definitely a TV show person!


GLAMOUR: Where do you see yourself in the next couple of years?


LÉON: I just want to make good music. Good music is the key. I've always wanted to play Coachella, Lollapalooza. I'm excited to see places like, Australia, Asia, to travel, play music, make my band bigger. And I want to have a bigger set in the future!




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